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Call +1-562-945-7553
Bank of Whittier
Riba Free Financing in All States:
Low Costs and Fast Service
(562)-945-7553   (469)-330-9900  
Branch Locations

Personal Banking - Savings and Investments

Home Financing & Refinancing

RF (Riba Free) Personal Savings

Designed for Individuals Seeking to Generate Higher Income on Saved Funds for Liquidity Purposes and Who Do Not Wish To Deposit Funds Into Long Term Time Certificates of Deposit.

Commercial RE Financing

RF (Riba Free) Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and 401(K) Plan

Designed for Individuals Who Don't Participate in a Pension Plan or 401(K) Plan.

Home Financing & Refinancing

RF (Riba Free) Jumbo Time Certificates of Deposit

Designed for Investment Amounts of $100,000 and Above, with Maturities of 30 Days to 1 Year. Income is Fixed and Paid Monthly, Quarterly or At Maturity.

Commercial RE Financing

RF (Riba Free) Time Certificates of Deposit

Designed for specific Investment periods with higher rates of income. Income is fixed for the selected time period from 30 days to 1 years. Income is compounded daily and may be paid monthly or quarterly by check, or credited to a checking or savings account at this bank.

Home Financing & Refinancing

FDIC Insured, Multi-million CD’s

CDARS is the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service. And it's the most convenient way to enjoy full FDIC insurance on multi-million dollar deposits.